10 Foods to Avoid for Lowering Blood Sugar Levels

White bread, rice, and pasta are all processed foods that are high in carbohydrates. Studies have shown that consuming these foods can significantly raise blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes (19, 20). Fortunately, there are healthier alternatives that can be used to replace these unhealthy foods. If you have diabetes, here are 10 foods to avoid and some healthier replacement options.

Processed meats such as bacon, ham, salami, and jerky contain many harmful chemicals that are not found in fresh meat. These meats have also been linked to diseases such as cancer and heart disease in numerous studies. To replace processed meats, opt for leaner, more natural protein sources like chicken, turkey, tuna, or hard-boiled eggs. Packaged snacks and processed baked goods should be replaced with hummus and vegetables, a handful of almonds, or apple slices topped with nut butter.

White carbs should be replaced with whole carbs like brown rice, quinoa, and whole-grain pasta and breads. Nuts are a delicious way to satisfy your appetite and sweet tooth and generally contain a good amount of fiber. However, it's important to note that raisins (43 grams) contain 25 grams of sugar; a 50-gram serving of dates also contains 25 grams of sugar. These 10 superfoods for diabetes can help you control blood glucose levels, lose weight or maintain a healthy weight and prevent heart disease.

It's also important to avoid foods with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, as well as foods with liquid oils.