Surviving on the Minimum: What Nutritious Foods Can You Eat to Survive?

When it comes to meeting your nutritional needs, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases states that women can do so with as little as 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day, while men can do the same with 1,200 to 1,600 calories a day. But what nutritious foods should you be eating to make sure you're getting the most out of those calories? Beans are a great source of nutrition and can be preserved for a long time once dried. They are also versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. Black (turtle), red (kidney), pinto and soy beans are all considered superfoods by many nutritionists.

Kale is also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Boil the stalks to make a simple vegetable broth. Other leafy greens are also good for you, but kale is particularly rich in nutrients. Cantaloupe is another great option for those looking for a nutritious snack.

It's high in sugar, but it's also packed with vitamins A and C and potassium. Melons are a better choice than bananas due to their lower glycemic load index and lack of fat. Berries are another great option for those looking for something sweet and nutritious. They are packed with antioxidants and flavor.

Kiwis are also an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium. Just be sure to avoid any poisonous berries such as holly, frankberry or bamboo berry. Seaweed is another great option for those looking for something nutritious that doesn't need to be cooked. Alaria, lavender (kombu, wakame and nori in Japanese cuisine) and other types of seaweed are all packed with vitamins and minerals. Once dried, they can last for months.

Seaweed is a regular part of the Asian diet and can even be found in ice cream! In the short term, a person can survive with nothing for 1-2 months while leading a sedentary lifestyle. The amount of calories each person needs depends on their height, age, gender, activity level and body composition. In the long term, the average person needs a minimum of 1,200 calories a day to survive. When it comes to stocking up on emergency food kits, choose foods that have a healthy balance from these three food groups: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Canned foods are also great options since they don't need to be cooked.

And if you're on a tight budget, there are plenty of ways to assemble an effective food reserve without breaking the bank.