Can Humans Survive on One Meal a Day?

For most people, consuming one meal a day does not pose any serious danger, apart from the discomfort of feeling hungry. However, there are certain risks for individuals with cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Eating one meal a day can raise blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Unless you plan your meals carefully, eating one meal a day is unlikely to provide your body with the calories and nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Opting to eat within a longer period of time can help you increase your nutrient intake.

For some people, eating only one meal a day can increase the risk of overeating during that single meal. In some cases, following a restrictive diet may even increase the risk of developing an eating disorder in the long run, according to some research. With your hectic schedule and desire to shed a few pounds, eating one meal a day may seem like an easy solution. While intermittent fasting, that is, going for long periods without eating, has become a popular way to lose weight, like most other dietary trends, it's a fad that won't produce lasting results. In addition to the damage caused by hunger, both physically and emotionally, eating once a day can affect your health and reduce your metabolism.

If you're having difficulty with your weight and finding time to eat is an issue, consult with a dietitian to create a plan that fits your dietary needs and lifestyle.